INTERWOOD KBR603 Return Conveyer

INTERWOOD KBR603 Return Conveyer
Return conveyer with air flotation table.
Please download the payback calculator to show potential savings.
Available sizes: -
KBR603-B5 (5000mm) Roller conveyor (not driven 2000mm)
KBR603-B5 (6000mm) Roller conveyor (not driven 2000mm)
KBR603-B5 (7000mm) Roller conveyor (not driven 2000mm)
KBR603-B5 (7500mm) Roller conveyor (not driven 2000mm)
KBR603-B5 (8000mm) Roller conveyor (not driven 2000mm)
KBR603-B5 (9000mm) Roller conveyor (not driven 2000mm)
KBR603-B5 (10000mm) Roller conveyor (not driven 2000mm)
Lease or Finance options are available on request.